Star Charters' Guild

In ages past, the Star Charters' Guild was created by the Noor of Alhambra and her Royal Astrologer to study the sky and all its mysteries and wisdom. It creates Charts of not only the Alhambran Sky but also those shadows visited by its members, and even Amber, which are made freely available, in most cases, to any member in good standing. The Star Charter's Guild is used to train worthy Alhambrans in the arts of Starwalking and are said to possess other magics not common in Alhambra.

Each Embassy in Shadow has a representative of the Star Charters' Guild assigned to it, there to study the night and day skies of the place and provide relevant aid to the embassy staff. Many are also skilled in the arts of divination. The guild has been responsible for creating many highly sought after Viziers, Navigators, and even finding trade routes that others would never have thought of.

Still, despite all the good that they have done, there are still those that whisper that the guild has some sinister purpose. They go too many places, they get involved in too many things, they keep too many secrets to be just what they say they are.

But only the members know the truth.

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